Customer-patented products
Our creativity and ingenuity often yield unique patentable designs. Our clients always own the intellectual property.
US20080083487A1 - Automatic Tape Dispenser
US7874942B2 - Ball Toss Toy
US7910829B2 - Cable Management System
US20170087295A1 - Compact Mechanical Pump
US7291049B1 - Dry Swim Trainer
US20080093750A1 - Dual inlet water tank for humidifier
US8899384B2 - Electronic brake assembly for a bicycle
US6328651B1 - Projected image target shooting toy
US11291879B1 - Exercise machine
US7592528 - Stringed musical instrument using spring tension
US7855330 - Modular bridge for stringed musical instrument
US6540098 - Food pan cover with sliding lid
US6089952 - Four Wheel Drive Toy Locomotive
11278669 - Gear-Driven Infusion
US9174095 - Golf Training Device
US9826792B2 - Headwear Support Device
US9826792 - Hearing Protection Devices and Attenuation for the Same
US6244452 - Holder for Use in Disposable Feeding Systems
US11591134B2 - Interconnectable Building Block With Storage
USD398053 - IV Pump
US20080247807A1 - Liquid Dispensing Instrument
US11555574B2 - Monitor Arm
US8220822 - Multi Seat Stroller
USD457967 - Nursing Bottle Holder Design
US8215520 - Secure Merchandising System
US20170211314A1 - Security Gate
US07163348 - Postage Meter for Printing
US6736348 - Power Transfer System Apparatus
US20030036462A1 - Powered Antithrombotic Mobility Device
US09200831 - Refrigerated Chest for Rapidly Quenching Beverages
US9574374 - Restroom Stall Occupancy Indicator System
US8757418 - Self Anchoring Low Profile Container Anchor
US7237744 - Sheet Dispenser
US10731891B2 - Soffit Vent
US9308929 - Foldable Stroller
US8468635 - Surface Treating Device
WO2017196480A1 - System for Mounting a Covering Upon a Frame
US10813478 - System for Retaining an Image Within a Frame
US8966680 - Top Rail Lock for Playyard
US6227934 - Toy Vehicle Capable of Propelling Itself into the Air
US8356927 - Universal Hand Mixer
US20150247643A1 - Ventless Fireplace
US20180098885A1 - Hearing protection devices and attenuation button for same